Constitution and By-Laws
The name of the association shall be the Black Faculty and Staff Association at Oklahoma State University, henceforth in this document, the Association.
The Black Faculty and Staff Association shall be a non-profit association dedicated to the promotion of a feeling of inclusion and scholarship. Its objectives shall be to:
1. Encourage academic excellence among students and association members;
2. Promote positive interaction among faculty, staff, and students;
3. Recommend and support a systematic approach to recruit and retain Blacks and other minorities for faculty and staff positions and as members of the studentbody at Oklahoma State University;
4. Provide a forum for addressing important issues which affect Black faculty, staff and students at Oklahoma State University;
5. Take positive steps to assist in developing appropriate means by which Blacks may articulate their concerns in an orderly manner so as to realize positive benefits at Oklahoma State University;
6. Advise the university leaders and the university community regarding the needs and concerns of Blacks at Oklahoma State University;
7. Monitor and encourage the inclusion of cultural diversity as an integral part of the mission of Oklahoma State University.
Section 1 -- ELIGIBILITY
1. Any person who is a member of the Oklahoma State University faculty or staff hall be eligible to become a full member of this Association.
2. Associate membership is available to graduate students pursuing Master's and doctoral degrees. Associate members shall have all the privileges of full active members, but not have voting privileges and not hold office.
3. Honorary Member --Any person approved by the Association.
Section 2 -- Gifts
1. Gifts for full members will be $30 per year.
2. Gifts for associate members will be $10 per year.
3. Gifts are paid to the Treasurer.
Section 1 -- OFFICERS
The association shall elect from its membership persons to serve as the elected officers of the Association. Those officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer positions may be combined to constitute one position (Secretary /Treasurer) in the event that these offices cannot be filled by two persons. The president who held the previous term of office will automatically become the President ex-officio upon the election of a new President. This person will remain in this office as a member of the Executive Committee until the election of another president, at which time the serving President will assume this position.
Section 2 -- ELIGIBILITY
To be a candidate for any office, a person must be a member of the Oklahoma State University faculty and staff and hold a paid membership in the Association.
Section 3 -- TERM IN OFFICE
1. The term in office shall be from September 1st to August 31st.
2. An officer can serve more than one term.
Section 4 -- ELECTION
1. Each election shall be held at the May meeting.
2. Each election shall be by secret ballot.
3. The Nomination Committee shall be composed of the Executive Committee.
Section 5 -- DUTIES
1. The President shall preside at meetings and appoint the chairpersons for each standing and special committee after consulting with the Executive Committee.
2. The Vice President will assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.
3. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and keeping records for the Association. Other duties will include informing all members by memorandum of the time and place for regular meetings and other events one week prior to their occurrences.
4. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all financial transactions of the association, present a financial report at each regular meeting, and submit an annual report at the end of the year. Further, it will be the responsibility of the treasurer to maintain a list of all members who have paid dues for the current fiscal year.
5. The Secretary /Treasurer, when combined, shall perform the same duties as those for both offices identified in items three (3) and four (4) above.
6. The President Ex-officio shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Association.
Section 6 -- VACANCIES
The President shall appoint individuals to fill vacancies. In the event of the vacancy of the President, the Vice President will become the President.
Section 1 -- COMMITTEES
1. Executive Committee
2. Scholarship and Fund Development
3. Programing Committee
4. Faculty and Student Relations
5. Marketing and Communications
1. Executive Committee: It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to plan the agenda for the regular meetings, oversee the function of the association when the group is in session as well as when it is not meeting. It shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer who in turn will serve as ex-officio members of each Standing Committee. The Executive Committee will also include as its members Chairpersons of the Standing Committees. This committee shall be chaired by the President.
2. Scholarship and Fund Development: It shall be the responsibility of the Scholarship and Fund Development Committee to propose eligibility requirements for receipt of scholarships presented by the association, and to develop and update the application form (s) for these awards. Following the adoption of the proposed or revised criteria for eligibility, the committee will implement the wishes of the association by publishing the availability of the scholarship to relevant organizations, reviewing and recommending to the association, proposed scholarship recipients and other scholastic awards to be given by the association. Additionally, the committee is responsible for the development of fundraising activities for the association. The committee shall include the Treasurer.
3. Program Committee: It shall be the responsibility of the Program Committee to plan activities for the association to include academic forums, lectures, and programs sponsored by the association, faculty social interactions, sponsor leadership workshops and any other activities that will further actualize the purpose of the association.
4. Faculty and Student Relations Committee: It shall be the responsibility of the Faculty and Student Relations Committee to serve as liaison with the Inclusion Center for Academic Excellence and the African American Student Association in an effort to identify needs and issues relevant to the Black student body and to improve communication between and among all concerned.
5. Marketing and Communications: It shall be the responsibility of the Marketing and Communications Committee to develop and maintain a website for the Association. This Committee is also responsible for developing and maintaining an annual membership list available on the website and an Association brochure. This committee shall include the Secretary.
A quorum will be constituted by the number of members present. A simple majority of those present is required to take action. Only members who have paid dues for the current fiscal year shall be allowed to vote.
The Bylaws of the organization shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of financial members, or by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.
Section 1
Meetings will be held regularly once a month. Special meetings will be called when necessary. Meetings will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order.
The Constitution may be amended when such amendments are submitted to the Secretary in writing, are read at a regular meeting, and ratified by a majority of members.
This Constitution shall become effective upon a majority vote in its favor. A notice of such meeting must be given to all members one month prior to the meeting.